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Posted by Editor / in CULTURE, NEWS, TRENDS

How to Recruit Hispanic Students for Your College or University

Gen z is the most diverse general ever. Here are the strategies you need to recruit Hispanic students for your higher education institution.

Few marketers have to keep their eyes on the coming generation like higher education marketers.

They’re among the first to begin working out messaging strategies for new generations coming up into young adulthood.

For the first time, though, the coming generation isn’t just different because of their age. They’re different in their ethnic makeup.

Generation Z, or iGen as some others call them, is the most ethnically diverse generation to date as recorded by sociologists.

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Posted by Editor / in CULTURE, FAITH, NEWS

Islam grows among Hispanics

When DACA recipient Raul Sanchez converted to Islam, his mother kicked him out of the house, telling him he was joining a cult and a terrorist organization.

Although they may not fit the image that first pops into your mind, Hispanics like Raul are the fastest growing ethnic group among Muslims. And many in this group have the same experience: rejection by their families. But Raul’s story doesn’t stop there, as he told it to VICE. Over time, as his mother saw him heal from depression and start helping the less fortunate, her view changed. Eventually, she accepted Islam for herself as well.

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Posted by Editor / in CULTURE

5 Dangerous Myths Non-profits Believe about Multicultural Marketing

America’s demographics are changing. Are these 5 dangerous myths about multicultural marketing sabotaging your organization’s future? Like the moving of earth’s tectonic plates, the makeup of North America’s markets are changing right beneath our feet—and many of us hardly even notice. Depending on where you live, you may or may not see it playing out in your neighborhood. But it is happening.

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Posted by Editor / in CULTURE, NEWS, TRENDS

Why Multicultural Segments Will Drive Future Growth

I recently attended the 20th annual Multicultural Marketing and Diversity conference of the Association of National Advertisers. I was delighted to see that multicultural marketing and diversity were top-of-mind among the marketing executives in attendance — a recognition of today’s demographic, social, and economic reality.

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